Calling It What It Is

This is one of many ignorant posts found on We Are the 53 Percent, the right-wing's response to Occupy Wall Street.
"My wife and I decided in 1996 that we were sick of poverty. We went back to school. We earned degrees. We got jobs. No one handed it to us. We earned it. We did it. I didn't go through all that struggle while raising 5 children so I could support lazy [expletive] people who want nothing but government handouts. You want to 'occupy' something? Occupy a job and start contributing."
- We are the 53 Percent
Really.  You went back to school.  Did you get the money from the tuition fairy?  What about the time?  What did your 5 kids do while you were in class?  Sorry, but I'm calling bullshit on this one.

In the whole of my working life, I've asked for government assistance once.  One unemployment check in 1981, for the amount of $88.00.  The process that led up to it was so time-consuming, tedious, and demeaning, that I swore I'd never do it again.

Yet my every waking moment, and every resource at my disposal is spent treading water, trying to keep a roof over my head, and food on the table.  If I miss a day's work, it takes me weeks to catch up.  If I miss a week, I spend the next six months getting back to where I was.  Any more than that, and I lose everything.


I don't own a car.  I could probably afford to buy one, but I couldn't afford the keep it.  Insurance, gas, maintenance.  No way.  The same goes for home ownership.

The computer I'm using?  Built from parts others have thrown away.  I do pay for internet access, but I recently gave up cable TV in order to afford an increase in my wife's prescriptions.

My point is, I don't live beyond my means, and I don't ask for assistance.  Unlike those who run Wall Street, I have neither the will, nor the resources to game the system to my advantage.  I am not unique.  There are millions like me.

And it is WE who are the 99 percent.

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